laureate of the Union of Mongolian writers. Ts. Tumenbayar
/The XXVI World Congressof Poets/
One of the major genres of Mongolian folklores is
the triple lined poems called "The Universe Triples", based on the
harmony between human being, nature and way of living with a sense of
The scholars who had studied "The Universe
Triples" noted that this is one of a kind, unique type of poetry.
The Japanese also have a kind of triple line
poems called "Haiku". However, the "Haiku" and "The
Universe Triples", Mongolian traditional folklore, are totally different.
The Mongolians live in the heart of Asia; have 4
seasons with very extreme climate, plus 40 degrees Celsius in summer, minus 40
degrees in winter. For millenniums we have observed our environment,
accumulated rich intellectual wealth and worship the nature. Thus we, Mongolians,
are experienced to live in harmony with the nature.
Based on our experiences, sharp eyes and
intellectuality the dependence and relationship of matters have been
observed and practiced in our everyday life. Such
as: in nomadic
culture the herdsmen forecast weather by observing the sun, moon, stars, movement of clouds, winds and other natural phenomenon.
Therefore, it is obvious that such a great poetry, "The
Universe Triples", had been created.
I strongly believe
that there
is no other country in the world
which has such a distinct
poetry as "The Universe Triples". It perfectly illustrates the reality along with the delusion, while
comparing human soul and
way of living with phenomenon of nature and bringing out their similarities. Therefore it stays in ones mind forever.
For Example: in "The Universe Triples of layers" The sky
has layers of clouds The earth has layers of grass The
ocean has layers of icy
If only look at
the number, within
Mongolians the number 3 has meaning of "Power" and
used to call it "Kuchu". In many countries
depending on their traditions and religions they have
different numbers that they
worship or do not like. No different from that we, Mongolians,
regard the number 3 and 9 as symbol of goodness. There are number of literature works, folklore, puzzles and
myths that are illustrate under the 3 and
to bring the good. Moreover, this respect for the 3 expands to the 9, 27, and
and had
been used in many different traditional rituals and ceremonies and it has
to an understanding of the Three Universe.
The combination of events, matters and natural
phenomenon mentioned in the
Triples are incomparable saying. For example:
Universe Triples of Rich"
The Sky is rich with Stars
The Sea is rich with water
The Earth is rich with roots
Universe Triples of Light"
Water is light when pour
Feather is light when fly
Grass is light when pick it up
" The universe triples of
cold" The eagle born in the mountain isn't cold The fish born in the river
isn't cold The uigur born in the hut isn't cold
The universe triples of green"
fern is green while the cliff is black
bile is green while the liver is black
algae is green while the water is black and etc.
It is
very much impossible to find such comparison to replace the above mentioned and the rest of The
Triples reflects and connects human mind
and the nature, three periods
of birth, life and death of human being and three conditions of existence; furthermore it has
great deal
of importance for knowledge. Moreover, Mongolians created one of the greatest poetry, The Universe Triples, which
explains natural evolutions along with reality in connection with human life and it should be considered as unique heritage for the mind of
Therefore, I am
sure that
further research and study on
Mongolian folklore such as The
Universe Triples Will become a huge contribution to not only to Mongolian poetry but also humanity.
Ulaanbaatar. Mongolia
4:47 PM
Зохиолууд (Англи хэлээр) - Stories in English
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- Монголын Зохиолчдын Эвлэл
- Ш.Баатар
Хубилай хааны хаврын хотод
Арван жилийн 47-р сургуульд дунд боловсрол эзэмшин, Холбооны техниккумыг радио электроникийн техникч мэргэжлээр төгссөн. 1998 онд МУИС-ийн Монгол судлалын сургуульд уран зохиол хэл шинжлэлийн мастер зэргийг хамгаалсан.
- Нацагдоржийн нэрэмжит шагнал 2006 он
- Монголын Зохиолчдын Эвлэлийн шагнал 1999 он
- Удвал сангийн нэрэмжит шагнал 2008
- Монголын Зохиолчдын Эвлэлийн шагнал 1999 он
- Удвал сангийн нэрэмжит шагнал 2008
- С.Буянэнмэхийн нэрэмжит шагнал 2009 он
- Утгын чимэг богино өгүүллэгийн наадамд оролцож 12 удаа эхний байруудад шалгарсан.
- Оны шилдэг бүтээл шалгаруулах "Алтан өд-2011" шагналт
- Утгын чимэг богино өгүүллэгийн наадамд оролцож 12 удаа эхний байруудад шалгарсан.
- Оны шилдэг бүтээл шалгаруулах "Алтан өд-2011" шагналт
- 2012 он - Дөргөнэ хатны алтан зоос
- 2010 он - Цагаан сүүний домог (Англи хэл дээр)
- 2009 он - Нар хурайлсан хийморь
- 2007 он - Шөнийн танго
- 2005 он - Тэнгэрийн зүүд
- 2005 он - Согоо суман
- 2002 он - Өнчин чавхдас дуулдаггүй
- 1998 он - Мэргэнд буусан чоно
- 1993 он - Удган
- 1987 он - Толгодын шивнээ
- 1985 он - Хараацайн жигүүр
Тайз, дэлгэцийн бүтээлүүд
- 2009 он - "Нүцгэн натур" уран сайхны кино
- 2011 он - Хурдан том болмоор байна
- 2011 он - "Тусгаар тогтнолын төлөө" теле жүжиг
- 1999 он - Тэнгэр мэднэ кино
- 2000 он - Нохойтой нөхцсөн бүсгүй кино
- 2000 он - Цагаан сүүний домог кино
- 2003 он - Мэргэнд буусан чоно балет
- 2008 он - Уулын бяцхан зоргол хүүхдийн балет
Холбоо барих
Хаяг: Монгол, Улаанбаатар хот, "Монголын Зохиолчдын Эвлэлийн Ордон", 210 тоот
Шуудангийн хайрцаг: 54/210620A, Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол Улс
Телефон утас/факс: 976 - 11 - 310333
Утас: 976 - 99249466
Wiki: Цэрэнтулгын Түмэнбаяр
Шуудангийн хайрцаг: 54/210620A, Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол Улс
Телефон утас/факс: 976 - 11 - 310333
Утас: 976 - 99249466
Wiki: Цэрэнтулгын Түмэнбаяр
1985 - “Sparrow wing” poems
1987 - “Whisper of hills” stories.
1993 - “Shaman” stories
1999 - “The wolf in divination” stories
2000 - “One string makes no voice” stories
2000 - “The legend of egg stone” stories
2005 - “Horse like deer” stories
2005 - “Heaven’s dream” poems
2007 - “Night tango” stories
1987 - “Whisper of hills” stories.
1993 - “Shaman” stories
1999 - “The wolf in divination” stories
2000 - “One string makes no voice” stories
2000 - “The legend of egg stone” stories
2005 - “Horse like deer” stories
2005 - “Heaven’s dream” poems
2007 - “Night tango” stories
2010 - “Tale about mother's milk” stories in English
1988: “The routine to meeting”
1999: “Heaven knows”
2000: “The girl coming together with dog”
2000: “Legend of white milk”
1999: “Heaven knows”
2000: “The girl coming together with dog”
2000: “Legend of white milk”
2003: “The wolf in divination “modern ballet
2005: “The log of love” modern dance in nature
2005: Solo show under the topic “The wolf in divination”
2005: “The log of love” modern dance in nature
2005: Solo show under the topic “The wolf in divination”
“Inseparable heart” music by Enkhbayar
“Lost lottery” by Erdenesukh
“Whose child” by Erdenesukh
“Locked door” by Erdenesukh
“Mother’s milk” by Purevkhuu
“For my spouse” by Enkhbayar
“Praying “ by Enkhbayar
“Cradle song” by Purebkhuu
“Mongol Ger” by Ser-Od
“Let’s dance around bonfire” by Battumur
"Blue wolf of the steppe, I love you" By SH. Ulziibayar
“Lost lottery” by Erdenesukh
“Whose child” by Erdenesukh
“Locked door” by Erdenesukh
“Mother’s milk” by Purevkhuu
“For my spouse” by Enkhbayar
“Praying “ by Enkhbayar
“Cradle song” by Purebkhuu
“Mongol Ger” by Ser-Od
“Let’s dance around bonfire” by Battumur
"Blue wolf of the steppe, I love you" By SH. Ulziibayar
Prizes and place winning in contests
1998: Prize by the Union of Mongolian Writers.
2004: “Honorary labor medal” high prize by the state.
2006: The Natsagdorj prizewinner
2009: The S.Buyannemekh prizewinner
“Delicacy of meaning” state contest of short stories
1989: Movie “The routine to meeting” won the second place in the contest of movie writing organized by Mongolian Railroad.
1993: “The best of tea” 1st and 2nd places
1994: “The legend of inscribed rock” 2nd place
1996: “Heaven’s dream” 3rd place
1997: “Solitude” 3rd place
2000: “Gold coin of queen Turkina” 3rd place
2005: “Uraliin tes mod” 2nd place
1998: “The fellow in white shirt” 1st place in the contest of short stories dedicated to 360th anniversary of Ulaanbaatar
2003: “Thirsty horse” 2nd place in the state contest of short stories.
2006: “Gun galuutai” 4nd place in the state contest of short stories.
“Golden feather” the contest of the best works
2001: “Lonely musician” the best
2002: “The wolf in divination” modern ballet as the best
2003: “Journey without return ticket” the best
2004: “The site of death” the best
2005: “Horse like deer” the best
2004: “Honorary labor medal” high prize by the state.
2006: The Natsagdorj prizewinner
2009: The S.Buyannemekh prizewinner
“Delicacy of meaning” state contest of short stories
1989: Movie “The routine to meeting” won the second place in the contest of movie writing organized by Mongolian Railroad.
1993: “The best of tea” 1st and 2nd places
1994: “The legend of inscribed rock” 2nd place
1996: “Heaven’s dream” 3rd place
1997: “Solitude” 3rd place
2000: “Gold coin of queen Turkina” 3rd place
2005: “Uraliin tes mod” 2nd place
1998: “The fellow in white shirt” 1st place in the contest of short stories dedicated to 360th anniversary of Ulaanbaatar
2003: “Thirsty horse” 2nd place in the state contest of short stories.
2006: “Gun galuutai” 4nd place in the state contest of short stories.
“Golden feather” the contest of the best works
2001: “Lonely musician” the best
2002: “The wolf in divination” modern ballet as the best
2003: “Journey without return ticket” the best
2004: “The site of death” the best
2005: “Horse like deer” the best
Address: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Building of the Union of Mongolian writers, room 210
Post address: P.O.Box-54/210620A. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Tel/fax: 976-11-310333
Mobile: 976-99249466
Wiki: Цэрэнтулгын Түмэнбаяр
Post address: P.O.Box-54/210620A. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Tel/fax: 976-11-310333
Mobile: 976-99249466
Wiki: Цэрэнтулгын Түмэнбаяр
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